my impossible list

An ever evolving dynamic list of my goals

DALLE-3 idea of an impossible list

Life goals

  • graduate college (summa cum laude in ME, 2020)
  • get a PhD
  • get married to a loved soulmate (cringe, ikr) (2023)
  • raise (a) child(ren)
  • live abroad for 1/2 year (2017)
  • own my dream car
  • live abroad for 1 year (2023)
  • live so well-off I could afford all the camera lenses and bikes I want

Fitness & Health

  • sleep score >75 for 30 consecutive days (2022)
  • sleep score >75 for 60 consecutive days
  • 10 chinups (2019)
  • 10 pullups (wide)
  • squat 100kg
  • deadlift 100kg (2018)
  • deadlift 150kg (2019)
  • deadlift 175kg
  • benchpress my weight
  • walk 100K/24hrs (2022, Špacír)
  • walk 2mil. steps a year (2018)
  • walk 3mil. steps a year (2022)
  • walk 4mil. steps a year
  • run 10K (top time 46min)
  • run 1000km a year (2017-2018)
  • run half marathon
  • run a marathon
  • race a road bike race (2013)
  • race a mtb race (2015)
  • ride a bike for 100K/day (2017)
  • ride a bike for 200K/day (2021)
  • ride a bike to the Adriatic sea (2023)
  • ride a bike around the Czech Republic borders (120km missing)
  • ride 1000K/week
  • learn to swim well enough to be able to compete in triathlon


  • travel to another continent (Europe is my home one) (2017)
  • swim in every ocean/seas that connect to the ocean
  • travel to all the continents
  • visit South Hemisphere
  • visit Patagonia
  • visit Japan (2022)
  • return to Japan
  • visit Svalbard
  • visit Canada
  • visit Iceland (2018)
  • visit Rocky Mountains
  • visit Alaska
  • visit Madagascar
  • visit Lake Victoria and surrounding National parks
  • visit New Zealand
  • visit Polar circle (2018)
  • see aurora borealis (paradoxically seen in Prague, 2023)
  • travel to Space

Renaissance man

  • learn to play bass guitar
  • learn to mix/master music
  • earn a pilot’s license
  • learn surfing
  • learn to cut and edit videos
  • learn sailing
  • learn to code (2023, at least I like to think so)
  • learn 3 languages B2 (Czech,English,Russian, 2015)
  • learn 4th language B1 level (German or Italian are the closest ones in 2024)
  • get a motorbike driver’s license (in progress)


  • teach 100 students what I have learnt elsewhere than at alma mater (by 10/2023 approx 80)
  • write an article/paper (2018)
  • write a book
  • work location independent (2018)
  • monetize my/our research outcomes
  • make a full time living of that
  • retire the MrMoneyMoustache style before 40 (does not necessary mean not working by 40)