Jan Špale | R&D in Energy Systems

Graduate Researcher, Teaching Assistant & PhD Candidate in Energy & Process Engineering


Czech Technical University in Prague

University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings

Trinecka 1024

Bustehrad, 27343

My name is Jan Špale and I am a Researcher in Energy systems for industrial buildings at University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings, CTU in Prague and a PhD Candidate in Energy systems at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague.

My research focus is distributed energy systems, high temperature heat pumps, combined heat and power, waste heat recovery and industrial process heat supply. If you are interested in any of that, feel free to check out the publications subpage or eventually contact me for future collaboration!

A Fulbright Alumnus (2023/2024) at Purdue University, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, pwhere I pursued to develop industrial high temperature heat pumps within the team of Thermal Systems and High Performance Buildings under supervision of Prof. Davide Ziviani.

All the links for social media connections are shared below, just click the icons and it will guide you to other places on the internet I publish content to.